
The Brain Gain
- Ben Winchester
"Fortunately for Greater Minnesota, there are numerous partnerships and initiatives developing between private, public, and non-profit institutions to tap hidden talent pools, attract a new workforce through migration and immigration, and retain young people in their regions." -The Center for Rural Policy and Development, seeking solutions for Greater Minnesota's future 2018
We are in the middle of everything. It's your choice - work from home or work local and be by home by 5 p.m. to enjoy your family, friends and hobbies - or, make a commute, with no traffic, to a city hub 30-60 minutes from Norman County. Choose from Fargo-Moorhead, Detroit Lakes, Crookston, Grand Forks, Red Lake Falls, Thief River Falls and others.
Agriculture • Retail • Education • Medical • Healthcare • Law Enforcement • Ranching • Export/Import
‘Find something you love to do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.’
- author unknown
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